September 8, 2024

The Advantages of Eating Banana for Sports.

Bananas are high in natural carbohydrates, vitamin B6, and potassium – a well-balanced combination of nutrients that makes them great for reviving fatigued muscles and stimulating bored minds. They also help to tune up your neural system by supplying 15% of your daily B6 requirements for nerve function.

Since bananas have:

  • Potassium
  • Vitamin B
  • Vitamin C
  • Carbohydrate
  • Low GI
  • Fibre
  • Antioxidants

Runner’s favourite food choice is banana.


Potassium is crucial for muscular health, and shortages can cause uncomfortable cramping and excessive muscle tension. Long periods of physical activity can drastically lower your potassium levels because continuous physical activity causes your body to lose potassium through perspiration. According to the Linus Pauling Institute, eating a giant banana increases your potassium intake by 487 milligrams, or 10% of your daily required amount.


Manganese performs a variety of physiological roles, including bone growth and wound healing. Consuming adequate manganese also helps your metabolism by allowing your body to get energy from the items in your diet. As a result, manganese promotes physical activity and athletic performance by assisting your body in getting the most out of your meals. According to the Linus Pauling Institute, a big banana contains 0.37 milligrams of manganese, which is around 21% of the daily recommended intake for women and 17% of the daily recommended intake for men.


Additionally, bananas give your body the carbs it needs to support athletic performance while you play sports. Your muscles use glycogen, a kind of carbohydrate, as fuel while you exercise. A high-carbohydrate diet shortens exercise endurance whereas a low-carbohydrate diet lengthens it. Since each giant banana contains 31 grams of carbs, eating bananas aids in replenishing your body’s glucose reserves.

Low GI

Bananas are low on the glycemic index scale, with a rating of 51. Why is this advantageous? Low GI foods raise blood sugar gradually, as opposed to abruptly, following consumption. Bananas’ low GI indicates that while your body digests the food, there won’t be any sugar highs or lows. For runners, a steady sugar level is preferable than peaks and valleys because it offers a steady supply of fuel.

B vitamin

Water-soluble vitamin B is a very sensitive vitamin. Although a shortage of this vitamin will cause an energy deficit, it does not act as an energy source. The body uses carbs, proteins, and lipids as fuel during running, and vitamin B aids in this process. Because vitamin B is a fragile vitamin, fresh bananas will have more vitamin B than cooked bananas. Cooking is not something vitamin B enjoys! So keep your bananas cold and consume them as soon as possible.

Can I eat a banana before working out to help me lose weight?

Bananas are high in carbohydrates and potassium, both of which are essential for workout performance and muscular building. Bananas are also easy to digest and help decrease the absorption of sugar in the circulation, making them an excellent pre-workout snack.

Should I go for a run on an empty stomach?

It is often advised to eat before running. This provides your body with the energy it requires to workout safely and efficiently. Stick to mild to moderate running if you want to exercise on an empty stomach. If you begin to feel dizzy, take a rest.

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