September 8, 2024

Caribou mount

The caribou, often known as reindeer, epitomises the spirit of the North, embarking on an adventurous adventure through the vast Arctic tundra. This unique species has captured the minds of travellers and wildlife enthusiasts worldwide, because to its beautiful antlers and hardy temperament.

Caribou mount taxidermy is a monument to the creativity and workmanship of conserving animals, immortalising the beauty and soul of the caribou while bringing a bit of the Arctic into your environment. We go into the realm of caribou mount taxidermy in this detailed guide, studying the procedures, subtleties, and great reverence for these amazing creatures.

Discover the step-by-step procedure, professional advice, and care instructions for constructing and preserving a gorgeous caribou mount, letting you to enjoy the Arctic splendour for years to come.

What is a Caribou Mount?

A caribou mount is a taxidermy exhibit of a caribou, sometimes known as a reindeer, that includes the preserved hide, head, and antlers. Caribou mounts are painstakingly created to look exactly like these legendary Arctic creatures. Skinning and tanning the hide with care, constructing a form or mannequin to match the caribou’s body shape, attaching the preserved head and antlers, and skilfully mounting the hide onto the form are all part of the procedure.

Best Caribou Mount from Reputable Taxidermist For Sale

1. Peary Caribou Taxidermy Shoulder Mount 

Caribou taxidermy

Peary Caribou taxidermy shoulder mount, positioned semi-upright, facing straight ahead into the room. The skin and hair are in excellent condition, and the antlers are simply magnificent, earning a SCI Bronze Medal with a score of 276 5/8″. All relevant measures and dimensions are supplied to help guarantee that this item will fit inside your planned location and fulfil expectations for the item’s featured attribute sizes, scores, and so on.

  • A hanger is already connected to the back of this item.
  • It will be supported by a single large-headed bolt or screw that is suitably anchored.

2. Caribou Taxidermy Shoulder Mount 

caribou Shoulder Mounts

 Central Canada Barren Ground Caribou taxidermy shoulder mount, positioned erect, somewhat to the viewer’s left out into the room. The hide and hair are both in excellent condition, but it is the colouring of the hair that distinguishes this Caribou.

Caribou’s chocolate-like colouring is distinct from light-colored hair. This Caribou not only has the unusual coloured hair, but it also has a fantastic pair of antlers that earns a SCI Bronze Medal with a score of 339 7/8″. All of this, together with the expert taxidermy technique, contributes to this Caribou receiving our Premier Plus StarTM overall quality grade.

All relevant measures and dimensions are supplied to help guarantee that this item will fit inside your planned location and fulfil expectations for the item’s featured attribute sizes, scores, and so on.

  • A hanger is already connected to the back of this item.
  • It will be supported by a single well-anchored big headed bolt or screw.
  • Detachable antlers for simple transportation!

3. Caribou Taxidermy Shoulder Mount For Sale

caribou mounts for sale

The hide and hair are in excellent shape, with a gorgeous, thick mane and superb antlers, and it has a Gold medal SCI score of 433 7/8″. All of this has contributed to our item receiving our PremierTM overall quality grade.

All relevant measures and dimensions are supplied to help guarantee that this item will fit inside your planned location and fulfil expectations for the item’s featured attribute sizes, scores, and so on.

  • A hanger is already connected to the back of this item.
  • It will be supported by a single well-anchored big headed bolt or screw.

4. Cheap Caribou Taxidermy Shoulder Mount

European caribou mount

Posing in a semi-upright stance, somewhat to the left of the spectators in the room. The hide and hair are in excellent shape, with a truly magnificent, thick mane and superb antlers, and it has a Silver medal SCI score of 395 5/8″. All of this has contributed to this item receiving our ExcellentTM overall quality rating. All relevant measures and dimensions are supplied to help guarantee that this item will fit inside your planned location and fulfil expectations for the item’s featured attribute sizes, scores, and so on.

  • A hanger is already connected to the back of this item.
  • It will be supported by a single well-anchored big headed bolt or screw.

5. Barren Ground Caribou Taxidermy Shoulder Mount

caribou mounts

Beautiful Alaskan Barren Ground Caribou taxidermy shoulder mount, positioned semi-upright, staring somewhat out into the room to the viewer’s left side. The hide and hair are in excellent condition, and the huge antlers have a SCI Silver Medal Score of 394 0/8″! All relevant measures and dimensions are supplied to help guarantee that this item will fit inside your planned location and fulfil expectations for the item’s featured attribute sizes, scores, and so on.

  • This item already has a hanger attached to the back.
  • It will be supported by a single well-anchored big headed bolt or screw.

*Extra Points: Left-T12: 8 2/8″, T13: 2 2/8″ T12: 8 6/8″ on the right.

6.Eurasian Reindeer Life-Size Taxidermy 

caribou mount

Amazing Eurasian Reindeer taxidermy mount, posed wandering on a handcrafted barn wood platform with artificial habitat and rock embellishments. The hide and hair are in excellent condition, and the antlers themselves are huge, earning a SCI Gold Medal with a score of 519 1/8″, high enough to place in the top ten overall in the SCI Record Book.

All of this, along with excellent taxidermy craftsmanship, contributes to this item receiving our PremierTM overall quality grade. All relevant measures and dimensions are supplied to help guarantee that this item will fit inside your planned location and fulfil expectations for the item’s featured attribute sizes, scores, and so on.

  • This Eurasian Reindeer scored more than the Safari Club International Gold Medal trophy book criterion.
  • It would rank in the top ten in the SCI Record Book!
  • Excellent for use as a floor, mezzanine, doorway, ledge or shelf.

How to Make a Caribou Mount Taxidermy.

Creating a European caribou mount entails multiple procedures that need taxidermy expertise and attention to detail. Here’s a detailed tutorial on how to create a European caribou mount:


Skin the European caribou with care, making accurate incisions to preserve the hide. Take care not to harm the hide, especially around places that will be visible, such as the face and neck.

Cleaning and Fleshing:

Using fleshing tools or knives, remove any superfluous flesh, fat, and muscle tissue from the hide. Clean the hide well, eliminating any dirt, blood, or fat residues. This stage is critical to the tanning process’s success.


Tan the caribou skin to preserve it and keep it from decaying. Choose a tanning process that fits your tastes and experience, such as utilising commercial tanning solutions or consulting with a professional tannery. For proper tanning treatments, follow the directions supplied by the tanning product or speak with specialists.

Mounting Form: 

Choose a mannequin or mounting form that has the same size and shape of the European caribou. The form will act as the mount’s basis, giving the essential shape and structure to give it a natural appearance.

Mounting and positioning:

Place the tanned caribou skin on the mounting form, making sure it is stretched and positioned properly. To hold the skin in place, use suitable procedures such as stitching or taxidermy glue. To produce a natural and realistic appearance, pay attention to details such as ear location, eye positioning, and lip and nose contouring.

Detailing and Sculpting:

Using clay or other sculpting materials, create additional characteristics such as the nose, lips, and eyelids. This stage enhances the realism of the European caribou mount by adding depth and precision to the face characteristics.

Attachment of antlers:

Attach the caribou mount to the preserved antlers. Depending on the mounting technique, make sure they are correctly aligned and securely connected to the cranium or the mounting form. Use epoxy, screws, or other antler attachment means that have been approved.


Examine the mount carefully for any flaws or spots that require touch-ups. Adjust as needed, such as removing extra hide, aligning hair, or correcting any minor tears or faults. To improve the aesthetic and longevity of the mount, use appropriate finishing materials.

Remember that the rules and regulations governing the gathering and handling of caribou specimens may differ depending on where you live. Before engaging in any taxidermy activity involving protected animals, always verify that you follow local legislation and receive the required licences or approvals.

How to Maintain a Caribou shoulder Mount.

Caribou mount taxidermy requires careful care and attention to maintain its aesthetic attractiveness and lifespan. Here are some guidelines for caring for a Caribou mount:


Dust the mount on a regular basis with a soft, dry cloth or a feather duster. Wipe the hair, antlers, and other components of the mount gently to eliminate any dust. Water and liquid cleansers should be avoided since they can harm or change the colour of the fur.


If the mount becomes filthy or discoloured, clean it gently using a dry cleaning solution. To eliminate dirt, softly brush the fur with a soft-bristled brush or a toothbrush. You can use a slightly moist cloth with a little soap solution to remove stubborn stains. However, make sure the cloth is merely moist and not soaked, and avoid scrubbing or rubbing too hard.

Temperature and humidity regulation:

Maintain a steady atmosphere with low temperature and humidity. Extreme temperature swings or excessive humidity can harm the mount, causing the fur or hide to degrade or shrink. Keep the Caribou mount in a room with a temperature range of 60-70°F (15-21°C) and a humidity level of 40-50% at all times.

Pest Control:

Take steps to keep pests like moths and insects out of the mount. Inspect the area around the mount on a regular basis for signs of pests or damage. Consult a professional taxidermist or pest control specialist for suitable pest preventive measures if necessary.

Avoid direct sunlight:

Place the Caribou mount away from direct sunshine or bright artificial illumination. Prolonged UV exposure can fade the fur and change the colour of the mount. If direct sunlight is unavoidable, use UV-blocking window coverings or drapes to shield the mount.

Avoid Touching:

Touching or manipulating the mount should be limited since natural oils and dirt from hands can collect on the fur and change its look over time. Handle the mount with clean, dry hands if required, or use gloves to avoid direct contact.

Positioning of the Mount:

Ascertain that the Caribou mount is securely fastened to the mounting surface or wall. Check for indicators of loosening or damage on a regular basis. Avoid placing the mount in locations where it might be easily knocked over, since this could result in irreversible damage to the mount and antlers.

Maintenance by a Professional:

Consider hiring a skilled taxidermist on a regular basis to maintain and examine the Caribou mount. They may analyse the mount’s condition, conduct specialised cleaning or repair services as needed, and provide advice on long-term preservation.

By following these rules and providing regular maintenance, you can guarantee that your Caribou mount stays a treasured exhibit for years to come, conserving the beauty and elegance of this spectacular Arctic animal.

FAQs About Caribou Taxidermy

Q: What is a taxidermy caribou shoulder mount?

A caribou shoulder mount taxidermy is a sort of taxidermy exhibit that features a caribou’s head, neck, and shoulders. It usually consists of conserving the caribou’s hide and antlers and placing them on a form or mannequin to produce a convincing portrayal of the animal in a shoulder-forward stance.

Q: How long does it take to finish a taxidermy caribou shoulder mount?

A: The length of a caribou shoulder mount taxidermy project might vary based on factors such as the difficulty of the intended position, the taxidermist’s skill, and the taxidermy studio’s workload. A caribou shoulder mount can take many months to construct, including the skinning, tanning, mounting, sculpting, and finishing operations.

Q: Can damaged caribou shoulder mount taxidermy be repaired?

A: A professional taxidermist can often restore minor damage to a caribou shoulder mount, such as reattaching antlers or patching tiny rips. The scope of restoration, however, is determined by the kind and severity of the damage. Addressing any abnormalities as soon as possible and visiting a skilled taxidermist for inspection and repairs is critical to preventing further deterioration.

Q: How long will a taxidermy caribou shoulder mount last?

A: With careful care, a taxidermy caribou shoulder mount may live for many years, if not decades. However, natural wear and tear may occur over time, and the look of the mount may vary. Cleaning and inspections on a regular basis might help extend its life.

Can I fix a caribou shoulder mount taxidermy myself?

A: It is advisable to leave the repair of a damaged caribou shoulder mount taxidermy to skilled taxidermists or specialists educated in the area. Repairing without the right knowledge and competence might result in greater damage. Contacting a qualified taxidermist to examine the damage and execute any required repairs or restoration work is recommended.

A: Possession and exhibition of caribou shoulder mount taxidermy may be prohibited by municipal, regional, or national law. It is critical to follow these rules, get any relevant permissions or licences, and be aware of any limits on the purchase, possession, or transit of caribou specimens.


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